The Johnson Journal

Monday, November 2, 2009

Silly Spooks

Another Halloween has come and gone. My little spooks had a great time dressing up and trick-or-treating. Here is my little ninja and shark getting ready for the festivities:

Miles had a fun Halloween party at preschool. They had a little parade and put on a cute program. Here he is with his darling costumed friends and teacher:

Scott and I attended a Halloween party with friends and dressed up as Jon and Kate Gosselin (minus the kids, because they were with their nannies of course). My sis did the fabulous hair cutting job on the wig. Have a little laugh at our expense. :)


kayej said...

Love those spooks....all of them. Congrats to Heidi on the Kate style.Thanks for doing the costume thing AGAIN so we could see them yesterday. xxoo Kaye

dawnelleh said...

You all look fabulous! Oh, Heidi! Is there anything she CAN'T do?