The Johnson Journal

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Spontaneous Montana Adventure

When Scott told me he would be out of town all last week for work, I decided that rather than sit at home with my nausea, I would take the boys on a road trip to Montana to see my parents. Miles and Tate were really excited and all-in-all did pretty well for that much time spent in the car.

My parents loved the time with the grandkids and seemed to take the increased noise levels and toy messes in stride.

My mom and I took the boys to Gibson Park to feed the ducks, play on the slides and enjoy a yummy snow cone (a first for them). The rest of the days were rainy, so Miles missed out on his request to go mini golfing.

We were privileged to be able to celebrate my Mom's birthday with her (she turned 30 again) and to be able to wish my dad an early Happy Father's Day. My Mom and I even got to sneak off to see a movie.

Due to the incessant rain, and the boys increased stir craziness, we took one morning and headed over to the church where my Mom works. Miles and Tate ran around the gym and played basketball. Then they took turns standing on the podium and performing songs. Too cute!

We had such a nice time, but the week went by way too fast. We all miss Grandma and Grandpa already.

1 comment:

kayej said...

It may have been a bit rainy but the day at the park looks perfect! How fun to share your Mom's birthday and an early Father's Day. I should remember the idea of going to the church on a bad day....I have a key - might as well use it! Jon goes in for echo stress test tomorrow just to make sure they didn't miss anything but I feel sure he will be Aok. Love you. K