Tate just had his second karate testing and received his tiger patch and orange bandanna. He was so excited and was really brave performing in front of all of the people. Way to go Tate!
Tate has always been a superb helper. Lately, he has been taking it on himself to make both his bed and Miles' bed, and does a fantastic job. What a sweetheart! Every Mom should have a Tate at home.
Miles recently won the first grade geography bee at his school. He was especially knowledgeable on the capitals of the 50 states. He knew every one. So proud of that smart boy!
Last night during Family Home Evening, Scott was teaching the boys about the true meaning of Christmas and he used our Nativity set to explain our Savior's birth. The boys quickly decided that there had to have been more animals present in the stable than the two that we have in our Nativity. Since we were short on animals like horses, cows, etc., they improvised. We definitely have one unique nativity. Apparantly, there were whales, alligators, polar bears, rhinos, elephants, zebras, giraffes and even a lonely toucan surrounding the manger . Tate even added a polar ice cap for good measure. I love my boys!
We recently wrapped up our crazy birthday months with a big celebration for Miles 7th birthday. We started with a pool party for Miles and his friends. Everyone had a great time, especially the birthday boy!
On the morning of his actual birthday, he enjoyed his breakfast in bed and getting to celebrate at school. That evening we went to Fazoli's for dinner, a favorite of Miles. Grandma Kaye and Grandpa Jon and Heidi and Cory joined us for the celebration. We then headed back to our house for cake and ice cream and the long awaited presents. It was such a fun evening for our big 7 year old!
I still really can't believe my oldest is 7. It seems like just yesterday I was holding my sweet son in my arms at the hospital. Miles continues to amaze me everyday. He is such a joy to be around - so smart, pleasant and really funny. Happy Birthday Miles!
My boys really crack me up when it comes to their fashion choices. From their questionable winter weather attire to their snazzy 3D glasses, I am always entertained. Gotta love it!:)
My busy boys have been enjoying participating in a number of sports. Tate has joined karate and really loves it. He also did a session of preschool soccer which he thought was pretty fun. Both boys have been doing swimming and Miles tried football for the first time. In his very last game, he scored his first touchdown. So exciting!
Tonight we finally decided it was time to give Liam his first haircut. My sister Heidi did the honors and Liam was surprisingly well behaved while she cut it. I always thought he was so adorable with his cute blonde combover, but I have to admit he looks so much older and extremely handsome with his new do.